Tuesday 26 July 2016

BBQ Chicken Pizza

If you're like me, you buy one of those Rotissiere Chickens and there is always a bit left over. What to do? My friend Keri suggested this simple dish that is especially nice since you don't have to turn on the oven. Unless you have my luck which has your BBQ tank running out just before you pop this beauty on. It worked out really well in the oven also. Just placed it directly on the racks. If you use the BBQ, put it on the other side away from direct contact with the heat.

Naan bread
BBQ sauce
Mozzarella cheese
Red Onion
Red Pepper
Chopped up cooked chicken

Spread a small amount of BBQ sauce on the naan bread. ( I found it sweet so don't go too crazy) and then top with your favourite ingredients finishing with a layer of cheese. Delish!

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