Saturday, 20 June 2015

Lindor Crop cont'd

Some more details from the Event.  Lori made the Welcome sign using the sunflower motif...
and Lisa made the adorable hanging sunflower balls...
Jenn made these amazing treats for our Bake Sale...
There was plenty of items available for purchase but I never seem to make enough tarts..

Loonies for Lindor Scrapbooking Charity Crop

I'm finally getting around to posting some pictures of the Event and getting ready to send out the final tally. There are still a few loose ends to tie up but we had an AMAZING day of scrapping and visiting and relaxing with our friends.82 participants attended. Our highest number to date.
I hope everyone enjoyed the goodie bags... sunflower seeds, a little pail filled with a tea light, chocolate covered Oreo and sunflowers to plant. Also everyone got a card and a title along with a neckwarmer.

These were all sewn by my friend Corrina. Imagine making 82 at a time? 
These are the cards that were randomly distributed, a nice variety thanks to additional designs by Robin and Keri.

The raffle table was incredible. Thank you to everyone who donated so generously.
So many wonderful prizes...
This year the theme was sunflowers and I was lucky to find these table favours...
We put some chocolate and candies on the top, what a perfect serving tray.
We sold the extra Oreos during the Bake Sale and Puzzle piece ones representing Autism Awareness..
Stay tuned for further updates!