Sunday, 13 September 2015

Using the Silhouette

So one of my goals in my 15 in 15 was to use the Silhouette more. I know, you're probably saying; What goals?" since I havent given any updates lately and may have counted them up and realized that there isn't even 15 but that's ok. This personal mission has NO rules.

I think I've been doing pretty well with my number of blog posts, I've kept up on the monthly challenges at From the Heart Stamps and while I haven't read quite as much as I would like, I'm about halfway there.

One thing I've already accomplished is make 100 cards. I have been doing lots of card making lately for my various charitable groups and its been so much fun.  I got a little push from a friend of mine, to get together and try making a couple pop up cards. After a couple errors and a frantic search through the Internet for ideas on how to complete the folding, we made a couple of these....
They look pretty impressive so I'm glad we persevered and figured them out. It's been fun playing around with different colour combos.

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