Saturday 29 September 2012

Beautiful Fall

It's a beautiful fall day here in Southern Ontario. We've had a couple of light frosts but even the tender impatiens have managed to hang on. I have a weakness for fall Mums. I'm not too big on decorating for Hallowe'en but I really like having some colour outdoors through the fall.
I usually get my plants locally at Belgian Nursery. The selection is huge and the price is very reasonable. Here's a peek.....


I also have a weakness for the gourds. They are so unique and colourful and I picked up this wicker cornucopia for a very reasonable price also at Belgian. AND I can always bring it in to help decorate the Thanksgiving table.

Of course, Lindor thinks she's "helping"......

with the fall decorating. Enjoy this beautiful season and all it has to offer.

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