Thursday 9 August 2012


If you look at my book list of novels that I've read this year, you might think I have a thing for dragons or Young Adult books. Actually, I LOVE to read and I love to read a wide variety of genres. I just find it a lot harder to concentrate and find the time to pursue this hobby when there are so many other things to do. That's why I put it on my 12 in 12 list. I really wanted to go back to this enjoyable past-time. So to celebrate reaching my milestone of 12 books in 2012 so early in the year, I want to highlight my favourite one and probably one of the best non-fiction books that I have ever read.

This book was good on so many levels. It was well-written, it was interesting and unbelievably uplifting to know that people can rise above the most profoundly difficult circumstances. What a story!

 I'll keep the re-cap brief.  Louis Zamperini was a rebellious teenager who discovered a love of running and ended up participating in the Olympics in Berlin in 1936. He was poised to be the first person to break the 4 minute mile when Japan bombed Pearl Harbour. Thus begins his remarkable odyssey of will to survive unspeakable events including being shot down and drifting in a raft for many days and ending up as a Japanese POW. Even though some of the material is graphic in nature, you will want to keep turning the page to find out how this incredible and true story plays out.

1 comment:

Carolyn Wolff said...

Thanks for the recommendation! I will add this one to my list.