Tuesday 6 March 2012

The Cake Raffle

                                      Wouldn't you like a piece of this right now?
                                                    Or maybe a piece of this?

Both of these cakes were made by very talented bakers
and donated to the Cake Raffle at last year's crop. I think such a popular
part of the fundraiser needs to be repeated, don't you.

If cake isn't your thing, you can always pick up some delicious baking at the Bake Sale after sampling the offerings at the lunch buffet so you can pick out your favourites ahead of time. 

When I'm not taking care of 11 dogs, I like to do a lot of baking so maybe I'll share a few of my recipes as I try out some new ones and some old favourites for this year's fundraiser.

1 comment:

Corrina said...

I want the poppy cake but don't tell anyone!!!