Sunday 12 February 2012

Sister comes home

Maya, Lindor's labradoodle sister has been staying with a friend of mine for a few days. She is a very sweet dog but she tends to bark a bit and I didn't want her to disturb the new Mom. Also, the set up in my house makes it impossible to keep Lindor and her babies isolated from her "sister". Maya is very gentle and gives Lindor her space at all times. So far, it's going pretty well. Plus, we've been down this road before so we all know what to expect.

I don't have the best camera for closeups but you can get some idea of the size of the puppies. They are the happiest when they are snuggled up next to Mom and she doesn't mind a bit.

I call them all YODA, when they are first born as their ears are pined back against their heads. Most of them have flopped over now so they are starting to look more like puppies.
Everybody is having an afternoon nap right now. Sounds like a good idea to me too.

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